Do Braces Hurt? What You Need to Know

by | Sep 9, 2024 | Braces

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive at our Canton, MI orthodontic practice is: “Do braces hurt?” It’s a common concern for both teens and adults considering orthodontic treatment, and understandably so. The idea of having metal brackets and wires in your mouth can seem intimidating, but the reality is much more manageable than you might think.

What to Expect When You First Get Braces

When you first get braces, it’s normal to experience some discomfort or soreness. Your teeth and gums are adjusting to the new pressure being applied to them, which is necessary to move your teeth into the desired positions. This discomfort usually peaks within the first 24 to 48 hours after getting braces and gradually decreases as your mouth gets used to the braces.

The good news is that this discomfort is generally mild and can be managed effectively with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You might also find relief from rinsing your mouth with warm salt water or eating soft foods that don’t require much chewing during the first few days.

Adjustments and Tightening: What Happens Next?

As your treatment progresses, you’ll need to visit us for regular adjustments. During these visits, we’ll tighten the wires or change out the elastics, which helps to continue moving your teeth into the correct positions. After these adjustments, you may experience a similar soreness to what you felt when you first got your braces. However, this discomfort is usually less intense and doesn’t last as long.

To make the adjustment period easier, we recommend sticking to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, or smoothies for a day or two after your appointments. Most patients find that their discomfort subsides within a day or so, allowing them to get back to their normal diet quickly.

What About Long-Term Pain?

It’s important to understand that any discomfort associated with braces is typically short-term. As your teeth start to shift into their new positions, your mouth will adapt, and you’ll notice the discomfort fading away. In fact, many of our patients tell us that after the initial adjustment period, they often forget they’re even wearing braces!

If you ever experience severe pain or discomfort that doesn’t go away, it’s essential to contact us right away. While rare, this could indicate an issue that needs to be addressed promptly to ensure your treatment stays on track.

Tips for Managing Discomfort

Here are a few tips to help you manage any discomfort during your braces journey:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help keep your mouth feeling fresh and reduce soreness.
  • Use Orthodontic Wax: If you find that the brackets or wires are irritating your cheeks or lips, orthodontic wax can be a lifesaver. Simply apply a small piece of wax to the bothersome area to create a smooth surface.
  • Eat Soft Foods: During periods of discomfort, stick to soft foods that are easier to chew and less likely to irritate your mouth.

The Bottom Line

While it’s normal to experience some discomfort when you first get braces, it’s important to remember that this is a temporary part of the process. The benefits of having straight, healthy teeth far outweigh the short-term discomfort. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your journey to a perfect smile is as smooth and comfortable as possible.

If you have any concerns or questions about braces, or if you’re ready to start your orthodontic journey, don’t hesitate to contact our Canton, MI office. We’re here to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted!


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