Category: Orthodontics

3 Reasons 3D Printed Expanders are Better

Apex Orthodontics uses the latest and greatest technologies to make our patient's experience the best it can be!  One of the advancements we use is a customized expander that is completely 3D...

Be Our Guest – Visit Our State-of-the-Art Orthodontist Office in Canton Michigan

The year was 2021.  Dr. Jim Fraser and Dr. Jake Schering saw beauty in a space that, once spruced up, would serve as the headquarters for Apex Orthodontics.  What used to be a dry cleaning...

Introducing Smile Touch Up!

Do you have minor crowding of your teeth and want to "touch up" those esthetic areas without having to go through 2+ years of treatment?  Good news, there IS an option for you!  Smile...

Get to Know the Founders of Apex Orthodontics: Dr. Jim Fraser and Dr. Jake Schering – Part II

When was the last time you had a WOW customer service experience?? An experience so good that you were left speechless, empowered, and feeling incredibly special!! In that moment, you became a...

Get to know the Founders of Apex Orthodontics: Dr. Jim Fraser and Dr. Jake Schering

Remember when Alan from the movie The Hangover said he thought of himself as a one-man wolfpack but when his sister brought home Doug, he knew he was one of his own. Well that's how I think of Dr....

How Do I Choose An Orthodontist?

Orthodontic treatment to align your teeth and correct your bite can help improve your confidence and mental health. It’s key to choose the right orthodontist for you to feel comfortable during the...

My Child Has Baby Teeth – Is It Too Early To See An Orthodontist?

Parents are busier now than ever before, we understand. So why are kids getting braces earlier and is it worth carving out time in a parent’s busy schedule to see an orthodontist? The truth is MOST...

Why Apex?

The most important thing to us is your experience. From the comfort and ease of treatment, to the smiling faces you see when you come in, we strive to bring you the personalized care you deserve.